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soldering and silver brazing
analyze the application to determine which valve is best suited for installations, keeping in mind the service for which the valve is recommended. before installing the correct valve, review the installation instructions to prevent damage to the valve and to assure its maximum efficiency
cut tube end square. ream, burr and size.
use sand cloth or steel wire brush to clean both ends to a bright metal finish. steel wool is notrecommended.
apply flux to outside of tube and inside of solder cup. surfaces to be joined must be completely covered. use flux sparingly.
be sure that valve is fully open. apply heat to tube first. transfer as much heat as possible through tube into valve. avoid prolonged heating of valve itself.
silver brazing method: assemble parts to be brazed. if fluxed parts are allowed to stand, the water in the flux will evaporate, and dried flux is liable to flake off, exposing metal surfaces to oxidation. assemble joint by inserting tube into socket hard against the stop. the assembly should be firmly supported so that it will remain in alignment during the brazing operation.
note: on one-inch and larger valves, it is difficult to bring the whole joint up to temperature at one time. it will frequently be found desirable to use a double-tip torch to maintain the proper temperature over the larger area. a mild pre-heating of the whole socket area is recommended. apply heat to parts to be joined. the preferred method is by oxy-acetylene flame. heat tube first, beginning one inch from edge of valve. sweep flame around tube in short strokes up and down at right angles to run of tube. to avoid burning through tube, the flame should be in continuous motion and not allowed to remain on any one point.
apply flame to valve at base of socket. heat uniformly, sweeping flame from valve to tube until flux on valve becomes quiet. avoid excessive heating of valve.
when flux appears liquid and transparent on both tube and valve, start sweeping flame back and forth along axis of joint to maintain heat on parts to be joined, especially toward base of valve socket.
use just enough solder: with wire solder, use 3/4" for a 3/4" valve, etc. if too much solder is used, it may flow past tube stop and clog sealing area. when joint is filled, a continuous run of solder or brazing alloy will be visible.
silver brazing method: apply brazing wire or rod at point where tube enters valve socket. keep flame away from rod or wire as it is fed into the joint. move flame back and forth as alloy is drawn into joint. when the proper temperature is reached alloy will flow readily into space between tube outer wall and valve socket. when joint is filled, a continuous rim of brazing alloy will be visible.
remove excess solder with small brush while plastic, leaving a fillet around end of valve as it cools.
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