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Adopted son of two lesbians, aged 8, undergoes hormone blocking treatment
A Californian boy who started the process of changing sex at age eight has told he always dreams to be a girl.
His two lesbian mothers, who adopted him aged two, said that one of the first things he told them when he learnt sign language aged three, learned because of a speech impediment, was, "I am a girl".
Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, now 11, wears dresses and effectively lives as a girl. His parents, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, say that their son, who they claim was depressed at a younger age is now much happier.
The couple were married in 1990 and have two older sons and grandchildren.
Unlike his older brothers who are both described at outgoing and athletic, Thomas liked to read Wonder Woman comic books and play with dolls. He shunned baseball hats, preferring rhinestone hair accessories.
At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, therapists and psychiatrists diagnosed Tammy with gender identity disorder.
A year later his parents allowed him to start the first step of his transition to becoming female by letting him pick his own clothes and wear bras.
"As soon as we let him put on a dress, his personality changed from a very sad kid who sat still, didn't do much of anything to a very happy little girl who was thrilled to be alive," Pauline said.
This summer, Tammy started taking hormone-blocking drugs, which will stop him from experiencing puberty. It will postpone him developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair.
Pauline said:"people think we're pushing her to do this. I'm a lesbian. My partner is a lesbian. That suddenly falls into the fold: 'Oh, you want her to be part of the lifestyle you guys live'."
But they insist that is not the case and the decision has been difficult.
His parents say the hormone treatment will give him time to figure out if he wants to fully transition to being female or go through puberty as a boy.
If he chooses to stop taking the drugs, he will undergo natural male puberty at a later stage and his future fertility would not be impacted. Should he decide to transition to an adult female, he can take female hormones as well, which would raise his voice, grow breasts and develop other feminine physical characteristics.
捷优翻译 -  英语训练阅读 -  Devin

[来源:原创] [作者:admin] [日期:11-10-07] [热度:]