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B: I should like to hear what Mr. Jordan has to say about it. You know of course that we, the sellers, are merely acting as mediators in this matter. The Insurance Company is responsible for the claim, as far as it is within the scope of coverage.
J: That’s just the point. The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us. According to your instructions, we made out an insurance certificate covering W.P.A. and the risk of break- age wasn’t mentioned in it. We rang up the Ceramics Section of Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, but were told that their customer had not asked for coverage in case of breakage.
-- 下午好,布朗先生。我们约好四点钟见面,是不是?
-- 是的,王小姐。我们一直在等你。王小姐,这位是中国人民保险公 司的乔丹先生。他是来解释这次不幸事件的保险问题的。
-- 谢谢你来。布朗先生,你也许记得,二月份发运到马尼拉的那批货 物破碎严重。破碎损失超过这批货物的百分之三十。我们已通过你 们公司向保险公司提出了索赔,但保险公司以没投保破碎险为由, 拒绝承担责任。我们当然对这种回答不满意。
-- 我想听听乔丹先生对此有什么看法。当然,你是知道的,我们卖方 对这种事只是个调解人。只要在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负 赔偿责任。
-- 问题就在这里。你说的损失并不包括在我们承保的责任范围之内。 根据你们的要求,我们出具了投保水渍险的保险凭证,但没提及到 破碎险。我们曾打电话给轻工业品公司陶瓷品部,但他们说,客户 并未要求投保破碎险。
B: In the letter of credit only coverage for all marine risks?was requested. I should like to point out that our prices were calcu- lated without insurance for any special risk. So we applied for the usual W.P.A. coverage and let our customers deal with the matter of breakage. Since the validity of the letter of credit was going to expire in two days, there was no time to write for more detailed instructions. If the L/C had been valid for a longer period, we should have had time to make the matter thoroughly clear.
A: Mr. Brown, our import license only ran up to the middle of February, consequently we were not able to extend the validity of the letter of credit. But we presume that the wording of our L/C implies covering the risk of breakage. Besides, when I take a W.P. A. insurance, that is, with particular average, I should think the risk of breakage is a par ticular average, isn’t it?

[来源:原创] [作者:admin] [日期:11-06-17] [热度:]