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W: Mr. Jordan, I must say that you have corrected my ideas about the insurance. I see now that this is far more complicated than I had imagined.
B: Now I know why you often point out to us the wording of some letter of credit which you don’t feel happy about. But what are we to do about it? We must keep to the stipulations of the contract and the letter of credit.
-- 乔丹先生,我并不想让你生气,但是我还是不太懂。你能否说得 简单一点?
-- 我试试看。无论“水渍险”还是“平安险”都不注明包括哪些险别 或者不包括哪些险别。 保险范围是写在基本保险单内和各种险别条 款里。你看保险凭证就会发现偷窃险、淡水险、油渍险、油污险、 钩损险、破碎险、渗漏险、沾污险、变质险等都特加注明,并且必 须特别申保。这些就是特别险。F.P.A.代表Free from Particular Average(平安险),而W.P.A.或W.A.代表 With Particular Average (水渍险)。
-- 乔丹先生,我得说,你已经改正了我对保险的想法。我现在才明 白,这比我以前想象的要复杂多了。
-- 现在我才知道,你为什么经常向我们指出,你对某些信用证的措辞 感到不愉快。 但现在我们该怎么办呢?我们一定要遵守合约和信用 证的规定。
W: The blame does not only rest with the letter of credit. For an item like ceramics, I think the Light Industrial Products Corporation should have understood from our letter of cred it that we want ed to cover all the risks, including the risk of breakage. I must say the error was on both sides and I think the loss ought to be shar- ed by both parties, let us say half and half.
B: Our price calculation could hardly admit that. Besides, we act ed upon your instructions, so it is not our fault. But in view of our good relationship, we’ll supply you with a favorable offer to com- pensate some of your losses.
J: (rising) I sincerely hope that you will settle the matter to your mutual satisfaction.
W: It goes without saying that both parties must abide by the con- tract terms that we have agreed upon and signed. This blunder, which is due to my ignorance, has cost me a pret ty penny.
B: We also have learned a lesson from this.
W: Well, to compensate a part of the loss, as you suggested, may I ask you to make us a firm offer for 50,000 glazed wall tiles C.I.F. Manila including the risk of breakage, November shipment?

[来源:原创] [作者:admin] [日期:11-06-17] [热度:]