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J: Not every breakage is a particular average. It is a particular aver- age when the breakage results from natural ca lam i ties or mar i time accidents, such as stranding and sinking of the car ry ing vessel, or is attributable to fire, explosion or collision. If none of these conditions occur, break age is often considered as an or di nary loss and rep re sents what we call ?inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured? which is outside the scope of the coverage.
-- 信用证只要求投保“综合海运险”。我想要指出的是,我们的价格 没把任何特殊险计算在内,所以我们只投保了通常的水渍险,而让 我们的客户自行办理破碎险事宜。由于信用证两天内就要到期,来 不及写出更详细的说明。如果信用证的有效期长一点的话,我们就 会有时间把事情彻底说清楚。
-- 布朗先生,我们进口许可证的有效期到二月中旬截止,因此我们无 法延长信用证的有效期。但是我方认为信用证的措辞包含了投保破 碎险。此外,当我投保水渍险时,那就是对单独海损要负责赔偿, 我想破碎险是属于一种单独海损,对不对?
-- 并不是所有破碎险都是属于单独海损。只是由于自然灾害或意外事 故所造成的破碎,如货船搁浅与沉没,或归因于着火、爆炸、或碰 撞所引起的破碎才算是属于单独海损。如果没有发生上述事故,破 碎便常被认为是一种普通损失,也就是我们所说的,由于“货物内 在缺陷或特性”所引起的损失,不属于承保范围之内。
A: But the risk of breakage is covered by marine insurance, isn’t it?
J: Certainly, but it is a usual practice to make specific mention in the insurance policy or certificate that the risk of breakage is included. The inclusion of this special risk will be subject to an additional premium that will normally be higher than the basic insurance for the ordinary marine risks. The rate for such risk will vary accord- ing to the kind of commodity, or, as in ceramics, according to the fragility of the goods. I think you must know all about that.
A: Well, I have heard something about it but I can’t say that it is very clear to me. I must admit I’m a layman as far as insurance is concerned.
J: Then let me explain this insurance.
B: Mrs. Wang, would you care for a cup of tea? Or some coffee?
A: Thank you. A cup of tea would be nice. And now, let me hear more about the problem of insurance.
-- 但破碎险是包括在海洋运输货物险之内,对不对?
-- 当然,可是按照通常惯例要在保险单或保险凭证上特别注明破碎 险包括在内。包括这种特别险就必须附加保险费。这种保险费一 般要比通常的海洋运输货物险的基本险高。这类险别的保险费率 将根据货物种类,比如陶瓷器,根据货物的易脆性而有所不同。我想这些你应该都知道。

[来源:原创] [作者:admin] [日期:11-06-17] [热度:]