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-- 哦,我听说过一些,但我不能说很清楚。我得承认,就保险而言,我是个外行。
-- 那我来解释一下这种保险吧。
-- 王小姐,想喝杯茶呢还是咖啡?
-- 谢谢,来杯茶倒挺好的。现在,我还想再听听关于保险的问题。
Dialogue 2
W: Do I understand that All Marine Risks means less than All Risks?
J: The English understand by marine risks?only risks incident to transport by sea, such as collision, stranding, fire, pen e tra tion of sea water into the holds of the ships, etc. In other words, under ?all marine risks? recoverable loss will only be con fined to those arising from perils of the sea and maritime accidents only. The all risks?coverage will admit all losses occurring at any time throughout the whole currency of the coverage, irrespective of whether they are caused by accidents at sea or on land. In this sense, all marine risks provides a more limited cover than all risks?
W: I see. Another thing I don’t understand at this moment is the advantage of W.P.A. coverage. I thought that the W.P.A. insurance should cover all principal risks while, according to what you say, it means very little. It seems to be a phrase without much substance. Then what is the difference between W.P.A. and F.P.A.?
-- 那么,“一切海洋运输货物险”是否意味着比“一切险”范围狭一些呢?
-- 英国人对“海洋运输货物险”只理解为海运中的意外风险,诸如 船舶碰撞、搁浅、起火、海水侵入船舱等。换句话说,投保“一 切海洋运输货物险”,其损失的赔偿只限于因海上灾难和海运意外事故所引起的损失。而保“一切险”,在全部承保期内的任何时期,不论海上或陆上所产生的意外事故,其全部损失都予以赔偿。在 这个意义上,“一切海洋运输货物险”比“一切险”所承保的责任 范围更为有限。
-- 我懂了。另外一件事我现在还不明白的是,保“水渍险”有什么 好处。 我原以为“水渍险”应包括全部主要风险,而根据你所说 的,它的承保责任却是很少。徒有其名,而没有本质意义。那么,“水渍险”与“平安险”有什么区别呢?
J: This is a question that is very often overlooked, Mrs. Wang. It is a very common but mistaken idea that a merchant has done everything that is required to protect him against loss es when he has taken out W.P.A. insurance. There is, perhaps, no mistake more det ri men tal to his interests.